Doubleheader at the Park
In the early 1900's it was not unusual for a hockey team to schedule two opponents on the same day. It was also not uncommon for potent high school teams to match up against varsity intercollegiate teams. In January 1905 Brookline High School from Massachusetts visited Roger Williams Park in Providence, RI for a game in the morning (versus Brown University) and one in the afternoon (versus Hope Street High School). The Brookline team was quoted by the Boston Globe as being "one of the fastest interscholastic teams in the county." In the early affair the ice was in wretched condition as Brookline beat the men of Brown 1-0 in a rough and hard-fought game throughout. In the forenoon the visitors beat Hope Street 3-1. The 1905 Blue and White yearbook wrote, "In this game we were defeated three goals to one, but made the Massachusetts boys work hard to win. An improvement over former years was the procuring of hockey goals. This rid us of us of disputes about goals being outside the shoes, which were formerly used, and afforded no chance to protest a game as far as goals were concerned." Hope's Ross scored the only Hope goal and Nesbitt and Loughlin did good work for the home team.